ABS Environmental Booths

The ABS Environmental Booth is fabricated to maintain a minimum of 85 feet per minute (fpm) across the entire face of the booth. The walls and ceilings of the booth are lined with acoustical panels that maintain a quiet and comfortable work environment. In addition, ABS uses these panels to increase the safety of the booth environment by incorporating panels with a Class 1 flame spread and smoke developed rating.
While ABS Environmental Booths can be designed to any size, the standard booth design is 22’6″W x 12’H x 25’D.
ABS Dust Collectors
Our most common solution, the cartridge-style system, is engineered to be 99.5% efficient at 0.5 microns. These systems come with either an automatic or semi-automatic reverse-pulse system helps to increase your filter life, thus decreasing your replacement costs and down-time. In addition, we can design your system with a HEPA filter for increased purity or a muffler for noise-dampening.
Contact us today to get started on your new dust collection system!

ABS Downdraft Benches

These benches and workstations are effective at collecting and filtering any dust or particles from operations, by drawing it down through a steel-grid work surface or straight back through the back-wall of the workstation.
No matter your application, ABS has the experience and capability to design and build your workstation. Contact us today to get started.